Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Melbourne

You never thought you would be involved in an accident, but in a matter of seconds a passenger vehicle struck you. You suffered a serious injury in the accident and now, you feel alone and helpless. You can’t work because of your injury and bills are starting to pile up. Who can you trust to help you in your time of need?

You can trust a caring motorcycle accident solicitor at Car Accident Lawyer Pros in Melbourne. They are dedicated to seeing clients freed of the physical and financial burdens associated with a serious injury and can help you move towards a brighter future. The motorcycle accident lawyers we work with have helped many seriously injured individuals secure funds for medical costs, lost wages, emotional distress, and physical pain.

Motorcycle Accident Solicitors in Melbourne

According to the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), more than 430 riders have been tragically killed in the last ten years on the roads of Victoria. In 2013, more than 40 riders were tragically killed in the state, reports the TAC. Of the 41 riders tragically killed in 2013:

  • More than 94 percent were male riders
  • More than 45 percent were riders between the ages of 40 and 65
  • More than 53 percent of riders killed in motorcycle accidents were involved in crashes happening between the hours of 10 am and 6 pm

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Melbourne

If you or someone you know was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident, please do no hesitate to contact an ethical motorcycle accident solicitor at Car Accident Lawyer Pros in Melbourne. They can determine how and why the accident occurred and ultimately, determine who was responsible for the accident happening. If another person or entity’s careless or reckless actions contributed to the accident occurring, the victim’s family members may be entitled to financial compensation from the at fault party or entity. In a wrongful death claim, a victim’s family members may be able to recover compensation for:

  • Funeral costs
  • Final medical costs
  • Deceased’s anticipated earnings
  • Other types of damages

Motorcycle Accident Solicitor in Melbourne

Riders who suffered a severe injury in a motorcycle accident may be able to collect compensation for past, current, and future medical bills, lost income, lost benefits, and pain and suffering. The aggressive motorcycle accident lawyers at Car Accident Lawyer Pros in Melbourne have helped riders suffering from all types of injuries, including brain injuries, burn injuries, road rash injuries, limb loss injuries, spinal cord injuries, and bone fracture injuries. Through thorough case preparation, they have collected significant settlements for the damages related to a serious injury.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Melbourne

By taking action, you can send a statement to the negligent party and others who participate in reckless behavior that their actions will not be tolerated. In many cases, filing a claim is the only way victims can see justice served and often, the only way for victims to make sure those at fault are made to pay for the harm they have caused. To learn how a competent motorcycle accident solicitor at Car Accident Lawyer Pros in Melbourne can help you get the claims process started, contact our law group now.

Motorcycle Accident Solicitors in Melbourne

To arrange a private consultation with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer at Car Accident Lawyer Pros in Melbourne, call +61 3 9021 2491 today. The consultation will cost you nothing and if hired to represent you, we won’t ask you for a dime until you get compensation. We’ve had the privilege to represent many victims through what is for most, the hardest time of their lives, and we would be honored to represent you.